April 24-26, 2023Register HereHotel ReservationsThe CESA College Counseling Institute seeks to bring together like-minded counselors from high-performing Christian schools to grow together in our ability to provide the very best in college counseling to our school families. Knowing the needs and values of our school families are often quite different that those in non-sectarian independent schools or public schools, this Institute will provide the best content with our larger mission at the center of all we do. This year in St. Louis, we will engage in sessions that provide content and resources that you, our college counselors, have identified as areas of need. Some of the sessions include:
Additionally, a Christian College fair featuring mission-aligned and quality-focused Christian Colleges and Universities will provide a medium for networking. Lastly, school visits to Washington University, St. Louis University, and Missouri Baptist will give us an opportunity to see the opportunities for our students in three very different settings. Plan to arrive by 3 p.m. on Monday, April 24 for a 5 p.m. College Fair and Opening Dinner. We will conclude the afternoon of Wednesday, April 26th. College Counseling Institute ScheduleMonday, April 24th
Tuesday, April 25th
Wednesday, April 26thAll Wednesday programs are at Marriott St Louis West
*Attendees wanting to extend their time in the region are encouraged to reach out to the Planning Committee for additional colleges to visit and restaurant information Register HereHotel ReservationsWe can’t wait to see you in St. Louis!
Questions? Contact Katie Wiens at kwiens@cesaschools.org or Dani Butler, Institute Chair, at DButler@wcastl.org. |